Rejected petition Implement financial parity between physical health and mental health/wellbeing provision.

Mental health provision and services have never received the equity of funding to that of physical health. This has long been promised by U.K. governments but fails to take place. The areas of health (physical) and wellbeing (the mind) can not be separated . The two are inextricably intertwined.
Prior to Covid-19 there was already a crisis in mental health services it is evident that many more people are suffering from poor mental health as are children and adolescents.

More details

I would propose to ask for help in putting together the appropriate evidence, background and research with the assistance of a Senedd researcher, other mental health professionals and academics prior to the petition being discussed in detail. I would hope to use within this evidence from demonstrably effective programmes such as used in Scandinavia, amongst first nation people in Alaska and the economically validated provision introduced in Western Australia based on the ethos of co-production by their (former) Commissioner of Mental Health Services who visited and spoke in Wales some years ago. Together with demonstrating the benefits provided by training individuals in Mental Health First Aid and Suicide Intervention (Canadian developed ASIST training)
I, the petitioner am a peer worker in adult mental health services.

Why was this petition rejected?

There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue, or if the Petitions Committee has considered one in the last year.

The Petitions Committee is already considering a petition on this issue:

Increase funding for mental health services and improve waiting times for people needing help in crisis. We need a change!

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted