Completed petition Wind Farm Moratorium

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to ask the Welsh Government for a moratorium on wind farm and wind turbine developments for which it has devolved responsibility. The moratorium will be used as a period of reflection, during which time a cross party committee will be convened to examine the effects of operation of wind turbines upon the health, social well being, property value, effects on tourism, and the local economy within 15Km of installations.

We ask that the all party committee be allowed to commission independent research on the devolved issues of Health, Social Well Being and Tourism with respect to wind turbines, and to agree a set of standards for devolved wind energy, which will prioritise the care of local environment, amenity land, habitat and nature.

We also ask that all devolved wind turbine installations be subject to the approval of a local (5Km) referendum.

This petition excludes wind power controlled by National Infrastructure Directorate.

This petition was considered by the Petitions Committee

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