Rejected petition Hand power of Wales back to the prime minister Boris Johnson

When the UK went into lockdown Wales was placed under the same rules as the rest of the United Kingdom however as time progressed the Nations devolved and Mark Drakeford and the rest of the senedd took it upon themselves to manage the coronavirus situation.
At present Mark Drakeford and his team seem to be destroying Wales and its economy and soon the damage will be irreparable.
Hand power and control of Wales back to the Prime minister so we can have a UNITED fight against coronavirus!

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Mark Drakeford is not the man to help the country through this time, businesses are being destroyed daily!

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the Senedd or Welsh Government to do. Petitions need to call on the Senedd or Government to take a specific action.

A referendum on returning powers to the Prime Minister would need to be called by the UK Government or the UK Parliament, or specific powers would need to be granted to the Senedd in order for such a referendum to take place.

A petition calling on the Welsh Government to adopt the policies of UK government with regard to easing of lockdown rules has been considered by the Petitions Committee:

Or you could try starting a new petition which includes clear actions that you would like the Senedd or Welsh Government to take.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted