Rejected petition Stop the development of Y Bryn Windfarm

The proposal is to surround the village of Bryn with 26 wind turbines up to 250m tall. These will dwarf the village and impact residents and the wildlife in the surrounding environment.
Due to the size they will be the largest onshore structures in the UK. Residents will be detrimentally impacted due to the noise they will generate as it will be audible over 1.2 km away from EACH turbine.
People with epilepsy can be affected by flicker due to the sheer size of the turbines

More details

This is within an area of natural beauty and a haven for various wildlife and birds including buzzards, heron and red kites. It is enjoyed by many visitors.
The infrastructure of the village will be severely impacted as we are already to subject to heavy dust from Port Talbot steelworks.
The area should not be further decimated for financial gain from which residents will have no benefit.
These structures are not recyclable and their bases will be excessive due to the vast height and number proposed.
A greener Wales is a great idea but these turbines are not the solution!

Why was this petition rejected?

It asks the Senedd to do something that it is not able to do.

There is a defined process for the consideration of an application for a Development of National Significance, with a decision ultimately being taken by Welsh Ministers on the basis of a report by the Planning Inspectorate.

However, the Senedd cannot stop an application being developed and therefore it is not possible for the Senedd to take the action called for by your petition.

The specific application you refer to is currently at the ‘pre-application consultation’ stage, which is one of two stages during which local communities can make their views known. Guidance on the process is available from the Welsh Government ( and in a quick guide produced by the Senedd’s research service (

You may also wish to contact Planning Aid Wales who can provide advice and help to individuals and communities participating in the planning system:

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted