Rejected petition Defend Welsh interests and international law. Stop the MMO using our Estuary as a dumping ground.
We, the undersigned, call on the Welsh government to summon Minister George Eustice to an urgent meeting and bring the MMO to heel. EDF’s license granted by England’s MMO to dump Hinkley mud in the Severn Estuary shows contempt for Welsh interests and the international conservation designations.
Stewardship of this Marine Protected Area is shared between Welsh and English authorities but MMO’s decision will harm both fish and ecology of the Estuary and the Welsh people.
More details
This is a consequence of building a water intake for the new power station which in itself will kill millions of fish when operational.
The estuary is an internationally designated Marine Protected Area and the dumped materials, including chemical and radioactive contaminants, will spread on the strong tidal currents all around the Estuary, depositing on its mud banks and beaches. The MMO must halt the dumping immediately before any further damage is done to the safety and wellbeing of the estuary, its inhabitants and coastal populations of Avonmouth, Bristol, Newport, Cardiff, Barry and beyond.
Already many 100,000s of tonnes have been dumped - with much more still to be dredged and dumped. Given the absence of evidence, a blatant misuse of regulations and lack of any meaningful public consultation the MMO have behaved recklessly, treating fishing and ecological interests with utter contempt.
MMO -Marine Management Organisation
EDF - Électricité de France
Why was this petition rejected?
It asks the Senedd to do something that it is not able to do.
The Marine Management Organisation is a UK Government Department. As a result, it is not possible for the Senedd to take the action called for by your petition.
We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards
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