Completed petition We request that the Welsh Government purchase St David’s Hall as a national resource for Wales.

This is a heartfelt plea to prevent the loss of a vital cultural resource to the people of Wales; We call upon the Welsh Government to step in.

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A transfer of management of The National Concert Hall of Wales to a commercial organisation would risk this vital and vibrant resource for the community and cultural life of Cardiff inevitably leading to impacts on the wider creative infrastructure of Wales.
The venue hosts over 330 performances per year, many of national and international profile, attracting attendees from every postcode in Wales as well as the highest percentage of English visitors of all Welsh venues.
It is the only purpose-built orchestral concert hall in the country able to host a full symphony orchestra. It is the home of Cardiff Singer of the World, National Orchestra of Wales, and the world class International Concert Series-alongside a varied cultural offering including ballet, pop/rock music, comedians, jazz and folk.
The venue delivers to all ages the opportunities for creative participation and engagement, representing a invaluable community and learning resource for the people of Cardiff and whole of Wales

This petition was considered by the Petitions Committee

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