Rejected petition Improve the quality of information used in the Developments of National Significance (DNS) process.

The Welsh Government’s DNS process:
• Is more permissive than England/Scotland so proposers target Wales
• Doesn’t check credentials of companies proposing solar farms
• Allows proposers to influence decisions with unchallenged/unverified assertions
• Uses undefined terms enabling proposers to assert dubious compliance with Environmental Impact Assessments
• Overrides local policy decisions on solar search areas
• Relies on public scrutiny yet minimises public input after plan submission

More details

• Proposals above 10MW avoid local planning rules, 50MW in England & Scotland
• Proposers avoid responsibility by constantly reinventing themselves
• 40 years isn’t temporary. Construction & decommission damage prevent return to original land use; inadequate decommission funding suggests no intention. No local evidence to support predicted CO2 savings, homes powered or wildlife enhancement.
• The proposer assesses LVIA, RVIA & cumulative effect using methodology of their own design e.g. to assess glint and glare
• 10-year Local Development Plan ignored
• After submission the proposer is not required to consult with the public if plans have changed

Developments of national significance (DNS): guidance | GOV.WALES
DNS/3267575ParcDyffryn2022-10-24EXNOTE002Assessment of Environmental Statement Completeness

CAEVOD is against overdevelopment in East Vale of Glamorgan. We support renewable energy in the right location: carbon neutrality in Wales without destroying our countryside.

Why was this petition rejected?

It did not collect enough signatures to be referred to the Petitions Committee.

Petitions need to receive at least 250 signatures before they can be considered in the Senedd.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted