Rejected petition Introduce additional Parking in Llandudno or a park and ride system.

Parking in the town is becoming more and more problematic for visitors as well as local residents. We need additional parking in the form of multi storey parking or a park and ride system for the town to alleviate the stress and issues arriving from lack of parking in the town. This will help bolster tourism and repeat business to the town and with reduced permits for local businesses and more 90 minute parking recently introduced it has added more pressure on the limited available parking.

More details

This is not a new issue or something that requires evidence. It is an ongoing issue, guests and tourists are stressed, read any hotels reviews for parking and the issues it causes them. It is just a disaster and the local authority needs to act soon to prevent an exodus of tourists to the town.

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

Petitions to the Senedd cannot concern an issue that is the operational responsibility of a local authority and, therefore, we are not able to accept a petition on this issue.

You could consider:
1. contacting Conwy Council
2. create a petition to address the Council
3. contact your local representatives about this matter instead.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted