Rejected petition Establish permanent public toilet facilities and disabled toilet facilities in Bridgend Town centre.

Bridgend Town centre severely lacks public toilet facilities with only Bridgend Bus station offering toilet facilities open at limited times Mon-Fri and Bridgend Indoor Market at the other end of the Town centre are nearly always closed as they are subject to abuse.
As a Father of 2 children with lifelong disabilities we will no longer venture into the Town centre due to my 11 year old son with Down Syndrome soiling himself outside the toilets in Bridgend Indoor Market due to being locked.

More details

We also witnessed a 93 year old gentleman suffer the same indignity 2 weeks later as my son did when he arrived at the toilets in Bridgend Indoor Market to empty his stoma bag as it was full. The toilets were locked and his bag starting to leak. He was taken to the traders toilet by which time his bag leaked all over him and the floor of the toilet.
Nobody in this day and age should suffer this level of indignity in a society we all celebrate as inclusive.

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

Public toilets in Bridgend are a matter for Bridgend CBC.
They have their own petitions process

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted