Rejected petition Make school uniform grants compulsory for children in secondary school with additional needs

Due to the rising cost of school uniform and supplies, I call for a grant to be available for all pupils of secondary schools age with additional or special needs. Parents who do not qualify for the school uniform grants because they are working, often struggle to pay for costly uniforms. In some cases, children or young people require additional sets of clothes or specially adapted clothing.

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For example, I cannot source trousers for my 15-year-old son from the usual shops as he is so tall, and each pair costs £40 each. Due to his additional needs, he will go through more pairs of trousers than most boys his age. I have tried to apply for the uniform grant from Wrexham Council but have been rejected as my son is not in receipt of free school meals and we don’t receive benefits. Like many other families, we struggle to meet these additional costs and cannot access any financial support.
The Welsh Government need to reconsider its policies to ensure families in need are supported.

Why was this petition rejected?

It did not collect enough signatures to be referred to the Petitions Committee.

Petitions need to receive at least 250 signatures before they can be considered in the Senedd.

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