Rejected petition Stop the Welsh Government imposing blanket 20mph speed limits across the whole of Wales by 2023.

Although a majority Labour led Government has been voted for, this is a policy that has very little support among the citizens of Wales. It's an elected government's duty to represent the people who elected them, not to act in a manner that goes against their voters' wishes. This is a policy that is unfavorable, and at the very least should be subject to a referendum. As it stands data suggests that this is a policy that is clearly not wanted by the people of Wales.

More details

This policy will not only increase journey times, but also has the potential of increasing accidents. The Welsh Government's own report says it will cost the economy billions, with Mark Travis, the assistant chief constable for South Wales Police, saying that the 20mph limit would have an impact on how police forces and other emergency services could perform their core business. The Welsh Government has already spent £27m changing to 20mph speed limit signs, which is money that could have been far better spent elsewhere. Ultimately though, this is a policy that goes against the peoples' wishes, so therefore shouldn't go ahead. A referendum would confirm this, and anything less than a referendum regarding this matter is simply undemocratic. In fact, this policy could be classed as tyrannical, as it is a policy that has manifested purely through arbitrary use of power and control, and not from the majority of citizens.

Why was this petition rejected?

There’s already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue, or if the Petitions Committee has considered one in the last year.

The petition being considered by the Committee at the moment is Stop the change of speed limits to 20mph on 17th September. This petition was debated in the Senedd on 28 June 2023. You can watch the debate

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted