Rejected petition Review why subjects cant be debated again if new evidence or a change in public opinion has occurred

There have been a number of requests to debate a number of subjects a second time when new evidence had been provided or change in public opinion only to be shut down by the system as they have similar thought or subject even if evidence or public opinion has changed. This is not fair or right and certainly not democratic.

More details

Number of cases but most recently the 20mph limit where new evidence and wave of public outcry has been shut by the welsh government who’s own policy does not allow voters/ constituents to speak out.

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the Senedd or Welsh Government to do. Petitions need to call on the Senedd or Government to take a specific action.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted