Rejected petition Pay a vehicle insurance subsidy to all Welsh vehicle owners who have had 30% policy increases.

The Welsh Government categorically claim that reducing the speed limit to 20mph is safer and will save the NHS millions yet the owners of vehicles have been subjected to a 30% hike in vehicle insurance. If the Welsh Government are so sure the action will reduce accidents, then a subsidy would be some way of appeasing the Welsh citizens that are both for and against the ridiculous new limit.

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The Welsh Government are constantly telling us that the 20mph limit (even though opposed by the majority of residents) will minimise collisions, will save lives, and falsely claim will benefit the environment have failed to acknowledge that these factors should contribute to a lower insurance premium by the very nature of the evidence they are are claiming, but failing to prove.
The gesture of subsidising Welsh vehicle owners insurance would go a long way.

Give drivers some aspiration to comply with the totalitarian decision to implement the 20 mph law.

Why was this petition rejected?

It did not collect enough signatures to be referred to the Petitions Committee.

Petitions need to receive at least 250 signatures before they can be considered in the Senedd.

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