Rejected petition Up date cycling laws

Now at 20mph
Cyclist are undercutting motorists
Causing damage along with risking injury
The speed law does not apply
Along with other laws
Red lights
Pavements are now not safe for pedestrians
The elderly , disabled and young baby’s in push chairs are at risk
The incidents of death or injury on pavements has increased

Cyclist are anonymous
Just leaving the scene of accidents
Knowing they cannot be identified


More details

To make the law equal for all
Cyclists should be identified
Have the insurance to pay for any damage they cause

Be subject to the same highway laws as anyone else using the highway

Mark Drakeford has failed to adequately protect the public with his 20 mph law

The laws need to be updated to protect the public from uninsured road users

Why should the public have to pay for criminal damage themselves ?

The Highway should be safe for all
With the pavement safe for pedestrians

Pavements for pedestrians only

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted