Closed petition Senedd Reform Bill to be amended to include provisions for constituency approval of MS pay increases

We demand that the Senedd develop and institute an approval system for all MS Pay Rises and that the procedure must be incorporated in the "Senedd Reform Bill.
This would mean that once any pay rise is recommended by the Remuneration Board, each Member's Constituents have a binding vote to approve or veto each of their individual representatives' receipt of the agreed pay rise based on their performance as a good incumbent.
This system to be applied to both Constituency and Regional Representatives.

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The above-described system would allow the Electorate to give clear and effective feedback to Members by linking their pay rise to their actual performance in serving the best interests of their voters, while also saving money from the Welsh Budget!
Voting could be online to further minimise costs to Welsh budget.

This petition is now under consideration by the Petitions Committee

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