Closed petition Establish a Welsh under 18 gender service in Wales for Welsh children and young people asap.

Following the long term and current poor performance of the English under 18 gender service and their extortionate waiting lists that Welsh children and young people have been subjected to, We (Transvisioncymru)have been discussing with the Welsh Government and Commissioner for Wales for over two years about having our own exemplary under 18 Welsh service. The commissioner wants change too but WG health have not moved forward at all yet.

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We are a group established by parents of transgender children who have found the current system impossible to navigate and no support to our wonderful children. Over time we have grown into a group that consists of young people, parents/carers and allies. We also have combined in this campaign with lots of other groups to make a strong voice for trans young peoples rights.
There is an amazing, inclusive, all wales LGBTQ+ action plan published in January 2023 that excitingly states one of the main outcomes in to improve health provision and health and social care. They state they will review the Gender Identity Development pathway for young people in Wales and continue to develop the Gender Identity Service. In a recent meeting with WG health this is not the route they are taking and are going to continue making Welsh young people wait a further 4-5 years on the waiting list for an unsatisfactory service. We need a service now.

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