Closed petition Stop Natural Resources Wales closing the visitor centre at Ynyslas National Nature Reserve

It has come to the attention of the local community that NRW are planning to close the Visitor Centre at Ynyslas at the end of this year. This is taking place with no consultation, no provision of alternative protection for the nature reserve and the loss of local jobs.

NRW is the organisation that should be protecting our wildlife and communities not destroying them.

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The visitor centre at Ynyslas is critical in managing the 400,000 visitors a year that use the site. The wildlife and the habitats of the nature reserve are fragile and need protecting from this large number of visitors, vehicles and dogs if we are to avoid further biodiversity loss in Wales.

The year round presence of NRW staff at the reserve mean that there is a natural deterrent to antisocial behaviour (lighting of fires, fly tipping, vehicle access) and that any incidents that do occur are dealt with quickly and efficiently.

The centre provides information and education to all visitor so that they understand why the place is special and what impacts their actions have on it. It is also a place of social contact for the local community and is a place where nature is accessible to those with limited mobility.

Effective visitor management at Ynyslas is essential for the protection of the Nature Reserve and its wildlife.

This petition is now under consideration by the Petitions Committee

Petitions that collect more than 250 signatures are discussed by the Petitions Committee

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