Rejected petition Ban the Teaching of Sport in Primary and Secondary Schools in Wales

The teaching of sport in primary and secondary schools is a gross waste of public funds. Teaching time and resources would be better spent on other subjects such as languages, science and humanities.

Furthermore, if a child wants to engage in sport they can do so outside of school time for example at a local football club. This has the advantage of a) not taking up valuable teaching time and b) not taking up valuable teaching resources.

The teaching of sport in schools has no place in the 21st Century.

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Furthermore, sports in school encourages the following negative behaviours:
1. Thuggish behaviour
2. Loutish behaviour
3. Bullying.

It also distracts from other more valuable subjects and is of absolutely no benefit to school leavers in their careers choices (except for the tiny minority who want to become PE teachers or gym instructors).

Lastly, sport in schools wastes valuable teaching time and resources that would be better spent on other subjects that would be beneficial to school leavers.

Wales doesn't need any more PE teachers or gym instructors.

Why was this petition rejected?

It did not collect enough signatures to be referred to the Petitions Committee.

Petitions need to receive at least 250 signatures before they can be considered in the Senedd.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted