Closed petition Designate the Tywi Valley as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
We, the undersigned, urgently petition the Senedd to designate the Tywi Valley as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
This designation will be in line with the recent decision (November 2023) to designate all AONBs in the UK as "National Landscapes."
The imminent threat of pylons and wind turbines necessitates urgent designation to safeguard its integrity and to protect and preserve its cultural and historical, as well as ecological, significance.
More details
The NRW has characterised the Tywi Valley as having a “National Landscape Character” with unique features which make the valley “both scenically and ecologically outstanding”.
The NRW has noted the valley’s use as a transport corridor since prehistoric times, its use as a significant agricultural area, and it’s historical significance (a well’ settled area with a long sense of history - as attested by the “string of fortifications, from stone castles to simple mottes and ancient prehistoric hill forts and Roman encampments” which dot the valley.
All of these, the NRW noted, combine to form the archetypal ‘beautiful’ landscape that is the Tywi Valley.
Numerous funding grants have been made in recognition of this unique character of the Tywi Valley.
The Tywi Valley is cherished and loved by visitors and locals alike.
The Tywi Valley is a beautiful unique natural landscape like no other. The Tywi Valley needs your help!
This petition is now under consideration by the Petitions Committee
Petitions that collect more than 250 signatures are discussed by the Petitions Committee
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