Closed petition Continue to fund school police officers who educate children and support schools
School Beat Cymru allowed for 68 school police officers across Wales' four forces to deliver lessons on substance abuse, safety, safeguarding and behaviour.
But the Welsh Government is to stop funding the scheme in order to save £2m a year from April.
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This will negatively impact schools and police resources, which are already under significant pressure. In addition to educating pupils, school police officers respond to incidents which take place in schools. They have developed specific skills and knowledge to address issues within schools and built working relationships with staff and pupils. Without a specific police officer, schools will have to call 101, which could also overwhelm the communication centre and place additional demands on general response officers. This will further decrease resources to respond to other calls. Incidents in schools, particularly secondary schools are a regular occurrence, and having a dedicated officer, is a more effective and efficient way to address such situations.
This petition is now under consideration by the Petitions Committee
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