Rejected petition Make Welsh available fully as a language option on devices, social media, streaming, etc.

In the age of ever-advancing technology, it should be made a priority by the Welsh Government to ensure our language is preserved and revitalised through technology. In making the language widely and completely available as an option on mobile devices, for example, it can finally be seen and treated as a very real and strong part of life in Wales. It is the official language of our country yet we still cannot use it completely in our day-to-day.

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It is barely recognised or included on social media, streaming and other parts of the internet. Putting it on devices and social media as an option would boost and encourage people to use it, but also allow those who find it easier to think, read and communicate online in Welsh feel truly comfortable in doing so. Let's give our language the same chance, representation and status as English and other European languages!

I'm calling for Cymraeg to be put onto platforms such as: streaming like Netflix, Prime Video and Spotify (for roaming, searching, etc., and in the form of subtitles), mobile phone devices, computers.

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted