Rejected petition We ask the Senedd to support Wattsville Castle & make it an official Welsh Landmark

Mikey Allen started building a small shelter over 5 years ago using building materials collected directly of the land. That small shelter has evolved into today what looks like a small medieval Castle. This has been visited by over 10,000 people, creating many beautiful memories for families with visitors travelling from all over the world. Aswell as being used as a well-being base providing a unique & functional way of helping people in times of crisis & to develop healthier perspectives.

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To date, over 50 accredited qualifications in mental health, Forestry first aid and dry stone walling have been funded free of charge for NHS staff, veterans, bereaved families, charity workers and community project volunteers.

Mikey is a British veteran who after tours in Afghanistan also suffered with his mental health,his aim has been to put a dent in the suicide rate the best way he can and with kind donations from supporters he was able to give out qualifications and courses in mental health, agriculture and forestry safety. The Castle has also been used for yoga, meditation, fitness sessions, star gazing, family hikes by many and over time became a well being hotspot with visitors from all over the UK, Europe and further a field such as Fiji, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Australia, Ukraine and many from the USA.

Mental health across the UK is not fit for purpose, the council & Senedd should be supporting efforts like this!


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