Rejected petition Hold open debate reflecting public opinion on implementing assisted dying for life limiting illness

People diagnosed with a life limiting disease that has no cure and who retain the mental capacity for decision making should be allowed to chose how when and where they end their life.
This petition specifically excludes the range of mental illnesses as decision making is far more complex for this group.
End of life care may work well for some, for others it failed them badly resulting in fear, lack of dignity, lack of control in meeting their end and trauma for the family and close friends

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With several physical diseases (eg.MND, IPF, Meso) mental capacity and decision making capability is fully retained while the illness degrades physical health with no hope of a cure.
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People who stand against this often say they want to give the best quality of end of life (this is not always available in reality) and to help them live as long as possible (as opposed to the individual choosing when to end their life). Modern medicine may offer drugs to manage some conditions but this is about individual choice.
People in this situation will have received a diagnosis, be under medical care, may be undergoing treatment to slow the progression, will have been told there is no cure and that their life will end soon and may well have signed a “Do not resuscitate”.
This petition is for people who have mental capacity, are not vulnerable, but face uncertainty and want a dignified end to their life at a time of their choosing

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

Modifying the law of assisted suicide is outside the legislative competence of the Senedd, it would therefore be inappropriate for the Senedd to hold a debate on the subject.

You may want to consider submitting this petition to the UK Parliament petitions -

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

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