Closed petition Scrap the Racist and ridiculous Anti-Racist Wales Plan

Did you know that in 2020/21 the Welsh Gov consulted on a Draft Race Equality Action Plan? Renamed the Anti-Racist Wales Plan? No? ONLY 500 people responded to this consultation in total. This “Plan” is to change government policies in order to meet “Equity” quotas. Not equality. I believe this is discriminatory and racist and based on Critical Race THEORY. And anecdotal personal experiences. Not fact. It warns of the “consequences of a colour-blind approach”. This needs to be scrapped immediately.

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They say: “From our community engagement, and the responses to our consultation, it became clear that an anti-racist approach was needed”.

In my view, this advocates discrimination and racism and is a waste of our funds and will have impacts on the whole of Wales. The introduction of ARWP warns “Frequently, the assumption is made that ‘providing the same for everyone’ will be the most appropriate service. Whereas in fact, taking people’s differences leads to a more sensitive, accessible and effective service. Often the consequence of the colour-blind approach is that ethnic minority people struggle to enter jobs, or to progress, or to receive services appropriate to their needs.”

“For us, anti-racism involves actively identifying and getting rid of policies, systems, structures and processes that produce radically different outcomes for ethnic minority groups.”
This is disgusting and needs to be scrapped.

This petition is now under consideration by the Petitions Committee

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433 signatures

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