Closed petition Stop the detention of learning disabled and autistic children, young people and adults in hospitals.

There are people with learning disabilities and/or autism from Wales who are living in hospitals. This is a human rights scandal which has been ignored for too long.

Many people with learning disabilities and/or autism are trapped in hospitals due to a lack of appropriate housing and support in their community. Many are sectioned due to placement breakdown and they have been inappropriately placed.

Welsh Government must recognise that sectioning people under the MHA is not the solution.

More details

Stolen Lives are a campaign group consisting of families who have loved ones with a learning disability and/or autism who are, or have been incarcerated, in hospitals.

They are supported by members of the Wales Learning Disability Consortium: Learning Disability Wales, All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers, Mencap Cymru, All Wales People First, Down’s Syndrome Association and Cymorth Cymru.

Hospitals are not a home. Many hospitals are far from people’s families, and cases of abuse and neglect are all too common.

Welsh Government must tell us how they plan to stop sectioning under the Mental Health Act and how they plan to bring children, young people and adults who have been sectioned closer to home and out of hospitals, and tell us exactly how many children, young people and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism are currently away from home in mental health hospitals and so-called assessment and treatment units.

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