Rejected petition Hold a referendum on any changes to the size of the Senedd and the way constituents are represented.

Plans to change the size of the Senedd and the way that it’s elected. The changes are a stitch up between Labour and Pliad Cymru and will be introduced in time for the next Welsh election. Changes will mean an increase from 60 Assembly Members to 96, at a time when people in housing need, schools, hospitals and rural communities need money and investment.

More details

The huge costs of expanding the Senedd to have 96 members
The cost of expanding the Senedd is expected to be up to £120m

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

Petitions to the Senedd must call for a specific action that falls within the powers of the Senedd or Welsh Government.
Schedules 7A and 7B of the Government of Wales Act 2006 set out the issues which are ‘restricted’ or ‘reserved’ to the UK Parliament - i.e. areas where only the UK Parliament or Government, not the Senedd or Welsh Government, can act.
As a result, it is not possible for the Senedd to call for a Referendum as called for in your petition. You may wish to consider petitioning the UK Parliament about this issue instead:

However, another petition about increasing the size of the Senedd has recently closed for signatures and will soon be considered by the Petitions Committee:

I oppose the Welsh Government "Senedd Reform Bill", published 18 September 2023, becoming law

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted