Rejected petition Appoint a Commissioner who is responsible for animal welfare.

Having particular statutory powers over the private equity shareholder veterinary companies.
Animal welfare is largely a devolved matter here in Cymru however certain linked subjects are frustratingly not . Including the regulation of our veterinary profession.Our Welsh Government lawyers state: " The regulation of the profession of veterinary surgeons is “reserved without exception” (from para 295 of the Explanatory Notes to Schedule 7A).

More details

In 1999 legislation was changed by the UK Government which first allowed private equity shareholder companys to own and operate veterinary practices. In 2011 Independent Vetcare Evidensia ( the biggest according to the Competition Marketing Authority of the UK Government) owned 11 veterinary practices in the UK they now own close on 2,000. Those that work within corporately owned first opinion and referal practices & out of hours naturally have to follow their employers policy's . Often to the detriment of their own well being .
In a recent Senedd Cymru Petitions Committee meeting a practising Independent veterinary surgeon stated....." She ( a colleague) described it as working in an environment where money was the main priority, and that the vets had allowed themselves to get into a situation where they where tick - boxing, rather than focusing on patient care. Also " .. the vets attempting to ensure that they only saw the most valuable likely interactions with patients ".

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted