Rejected petition A Vote of NO Confidence in the Senedd, voted on by the Wales Electorate

The Senedd has for the past 20+ years provided no improvement to the People of Wales.

Reneging on manifesto policies (M4 Relief)
Enforcing unpopular and unnecessary laws (Default 20 MPH speed limits)
NHS Waiting times the worst in the UK
Education Ratings The worst in the UK
Employment levels The worst in the UK

More details

Devolution has failed and they have no voted for additional AMs/MS's and their associated costs, without referring it to the people they are bound to serve

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

Petitions to the Senedd must call for a specific action that falls within the powers of the Senedd or Welsh Government.
Schedules 7A and 7B of the Government of Wales Act 2006 set out the issues which are ‘restricted’ or ‘reserved’ to the UK Parliament - i.e. areas where only the UK Parliament or Government, not the Senedd or Welsh Government, can act.
Holding a referendum regarding devolution is reserved to the UK parliament.

As a result, it is not possible for the Senedd to take the action called for by your petition.

Further information about the powers and responsibilities of the Senedd can be found here:

You may wish to consider petitioning the UK Parliament about this issue instead:

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted