Rejected petition Legalise the use of Cannabis in Wales/Cymru

The cannabis plant has many benefits, it can improve sleep, improve appetite for people with HIV and AIDS and more. Cannabis is not as dangerous as the media shows it to be. Countries like Germany and the Netherlands have legalized it with more benefits than consequences as a result. Yes, while excessieve use is bad, some studies show that cannabis is less addictive than cigarettes and other nicotine products. Legalizing cannabis could also have financial benefits, as we could tax and regulate.

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Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

Matters relating to the criminal justice system are not devolved to Wales.

Petitions must concern an issue on which the Senedd or the Welsh Government can take direct action and, therefore, we are not able to accept this petition.

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