Rejected petition Ensure that Primary Care in Wales is funded equally to Primary Care in England.

If you live in Wales, many of you may not be able to see your GP. Funding across the UK is alarmingly low but the situation is worse in Wales.

Academics estimate that a Welsh practice looking after an identical set of patients compared to an English GP Practice would receive on average 11.2% less funding*.

In order to save General Practice in Wales – this needs to change.

More details

* Rhys G, Beerstecher HJ, Morgan CL. Primary care capitation payments in the UK. An observational study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2010 Jun 8;10:156. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-10-156.

Why was this petition rejected?

It did not collect enough signatures to be referred to the Petitions Committee.

Petitions need to receive at least 250 signatures before they can be considered in the Senedd.

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