Rejected petition The Electorate hold the Senedd to a vote No Confidence and call an election be held by january 2025

The Welsh Labour Government has shown by its action of failing to act on the First Ministers acceptance of a donation from a Known convicted criminal and the receipt of Money from the " Proceeds of Crime" the government is unfit. The gross wastage of Taxpayers money in the wholesale change of speed limits without local consutation has brought serious concern as to the ministers ability to act openly and with transparency and we the electorate demand change by way of a ballot of voters.

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The Government of Wales has failed the tax and ratepayers of Wales since Devolution. In its regulatory responsibilities, it has allowed serious pollution of our rivers and coastline by drastic cuts in its regulator Natural Resources Wales. The need to prosecute environment crime has been emasculated. Councils are unable to function dues to fiscal cuts in grant support whilst Ministers have spent amounts on wasteful projects that fail to benefit the principality as a whole. The intention to add additional members to the Senedd is wholly and politically unwarranted, the monies intended if redirected would serve our NHS services, schools, social services and public protection agencies to higher standards. The interference with Farming and the associated demands on agriculture to lower Global warming is unwarranted and unnattainable due to cost. there is a need to reduce wasteful project expenditure. Ministers have failed the nation by their fiscal squandering and we demand change!

Why was this petition rejected?

It asks the Senedd to do something that it is not able to do.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

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