Petition Make Preventative Care a Priority to Save Lives and Safeguard the NHS.

Funding for the NHS has been shortsighted, ignoring the long-term benefits of preventative care to keep immediate costs down. Only 5% of the budget goes to this area. However, early screening methods, routine vaccinations, and regular check-ups could save the NHS billions of dollars a year.

22.6% of deaths in England and Wales are considered preventable, and 80% of health conditions are currently in the pre-symptomatic stage.

Early prevention is the key to saving lives and the NHS.

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Some examples:

Shingles costs the UK £17.3m pounds a year. In the US, the varicella vaccine has saved the country $23.4b since 1995. Those who receive the varicella vaccine are protected from shingles, far lessening the cost to the NHS.

48% of cancers are detected at Stage 3 or 4. The cost of care is significantly higher at these stages, rather than if they had been detected early. Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women under 50, yet the NHS only provides mammograms after that age.

Regular health screenings for everyone would also drastically reduce not only the costs, but also the deaths that result from obesity, cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other detectable illnesses.

There is a reason why preventative care is covered by all insurance companies in the US. Because it saves money.

Wales can safeguard the NHS, save lives, and save billions. We ask Wales to act.

Wayne & Miller (2023), Cancer Research UK, CDC, NHS, ONS UK.

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