Petition Reintroduce the Beaver to Wales to help reduce flooding, clean our rivers and support biodiversity!

The beaver is the most important, formerly native, animal to Wales that can create landscapes that protect our native Welsh plants and animals.
They also save taxpayers money in water treatment and flood management costs.
The beaver was hunted to extinction and we have a duty to bring them back to our rivers. The effects of beavers will improve water quality, reduce flooding and help turn our river banks back into wildlife havens.
It's now time to give beavers a home in Wales!

More details

The recent report, "Perceptions of Eurasian Beavers Living Wild in Wales: Results of an online public survey" by the University of Exeter have reported that a high majority of participants supported beavers living wild in Wales (88.7%).
Beavers are known as nature's engineers. They make changes to their habitats which create diverse wetlands for other species to thrive.
It's now time for the Welsh Government to act and give the green light to the reintroduction of this iconic and well loved species.

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