Rejected petition Ban Pesticides used in veterinary medicines for dogs and cats

I am Chair and founder of Save the River Usk and Protecter of the Wye .
.We are a voluntary group of Citizen scientists who regularly test water and are increasingly concerned with the amount of pesticides found in our Rivers and lakes .These pesticides are having devastating impact on our Ecosystems and are extremely dangerous to our environment.

More details

A single dose on a large dog of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid – commonly found in tick and flea
treatments – is enough to kill millions of honeybees. Environment Agency data shows that pesticides
used in veterinary medicines are present in many of Wales England’s rivers in concentrations that exceed
accepted safe limits, posing a high risk to aquatic ecosystems.
Significant contributors to this environmental contamination are five pesticide active substances
that are not allowed to be used on agricultural crops due to their impact on human health and/or
the environment. The five chemicals are detailed in the table below. They include:
• all five are highly toxic to bees (including a recently banned and controversial neonicotinoid)
• two that contaminate groundwater
• two that have links to cancer
• two suspected endocrine disrupters

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

The Government of Wales Act 2006 establishes the extent of the Senedd’s power to make new laws and amend existing law (also known as legislative competence). Schedules 7A and 7B of the 2006 Act set out the issues which are ‘restricted’ or ‘reserved’ - i.e. areas where the UK Parliament, not the Senedd, can legislate.

Paragraph 150 of Schedule 7A to GoWA reserves “Veterinary medicinal products, including manufacture, authorisations for use and regulation of prices”. As a result, it is not possible for the Senedd to take the action called for by your petition.

Further information about the powers and responsibilities of the Senedd can be found here:

You may wish to consider petitioning the UK Parliament about this issue instead:

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted