Petition Based on scientific evidence introduce Intelligently Designed Creation Synthesis into the Science and Technology Area of Learning and Experience in the Curriculum in Wales

Discerning visual observance confirms that all life on our planet is extremely complicated with species generally needing two genders for reproduction. All this could not be provided by an impersonal unguided process. In the opinion of many scientists, neo-darwinian evolutionism/abiogenesis is not supported by the evidence and should be re-evaluated

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Since 1665 (Robert Hook) scientific research with microscopes, has shown that all life (creatures and plants) consist of tiny cells which are the basic units of life. All cells are generated by existing cells (Rudolf Virchow 1855) and require large amounts of information and intelligence; they are more complicated than a mobile phone. In the view of many scientists, these living cells demonstrate that everything had to be designed to a plan for individual and corporate life in a ‘just right’ environment. Therefore it is scientifically appropriate to teach children that our world has been intelligently designed and created.

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