Rejected petition independant public audit required of the money the senedd spends

with the cost of living crisis & energy cost, the public suffer, while members of the senedd are spending public money like we have billions of surplus to get rid of
there needs to be more accountability for the senedds spending habits before the whole country goes bankrupt

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with trips to america, vanity projects, money to pressure groups & various other spending that the public doesnt know about, a complete audit of all senedd spending is required.
money is being squandered at an incredible rate by people who seem to care only about their own bank balances, & not being used for the welsh people who actually need it
it seems incredible that public servants are becoming millionaires when the voters who put them there are struggling to heat their homes
its about time the public get to see where all of the money goes
it should also include the links between elected officials, charities, & companies, getting public money, as this could explain how some of these elected officials have become millionaires in the first place

Why was this petition rejected?

We can't publish petitions when the request is something that's already happening or something that has been announced since you started your petition. We think your petition is covered by Government or Senedd action already. If you'd like something else, you could start a new petition clearly explaining what it is.

The Auditor General is the statutory external auditor of most of the Welsh public sector. This means that he audits the accounts of county and county borough councils, police, fire and rescue authorities, national parks and community councils, as well as the Welsh Government, its sponsored and related public bodies, the Senedd Commission and National Health Service bodies. (From the Audit Wales website)

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