Petition Stop wasting taxpayer money to hire train ticket security teams for Transport for Wales

Transport for Wales pays Transport Investigations Limited (an external contractor) £793,000 a year to provide "revenue protection inspectors" to make sure passengers have valid train tickets.

TfW earns around £80,000 per year from penalty fares and ticket fines.

This means that TfW is spending about 10x as much as they are earning back on this process. It is a waste of hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayer money on employees who simply babysit conductors and intimidate passengers.

More details

These financial numbers were given by TfW in response to a Freedom of Information request, on 14th October 2024:

The revenue protection inspectors board the train in groups of three or more, then walk along asking to check people's tickets just like a conductor would. This job does not require three extra staff members, since conductors are already doing it.

It is a waste of money and serves no purpose except to make passengers feel persecuted.

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