Rejected petition We don't think Local Councils can decide the 20mph speed limits after results of petition 245548

The results of the petition are that no less than 10% of registered electors voted in all areas to abolish 20mph & therefore can not be delagated to regional authorities for any action or decisions concerning that matter. 469,571 electors signed the petition. From an electorate of 2,355,492 voters. Which is 19.5% of people. For each area the % of voters signed ranges for example from Ynys Môn 16.4% to Arfon 10.1% Clwyd West 30% Montgomeryshire 10%

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An Act entitled The Local Authorities (Petitions) (England) Order 2010 makes law that prevents local councils being allowed to make decisions on petitions that exceed 5% of registered voters being signed. Regardless which boundary you use the voters are the same people and percent. Which exceed the threshold. Therefore the secretary of state has to give referendums on this issue. Nationally or regionally. Not by local council decision. in fact, the signatures are so high that the 10% threshold for Recall of MPs Act 2015 has been met in every area. Which this petition can qualify as "other means" through section 10 (b) of that act. Due to widespread dissatisfied voters in the way that They have been misled by government in democracy by Labour Government. In fact even more voters in Wales have signed petition 700143 being run by HM Government to "Call a General Election" than 20mph. as recall of MPs and MS threshold is exceeded

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

The Local Authorities (Petitions) (England) Order 2010 does not apply to Wales.
Implementing speed limits on local roads is a matter for local authorities.
It is also important to note that while there is a high correlation between signatories and electors, the definitions are not the same.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted