Petition Erect a statue of Rachel Williams to commemorate her impact on Welsh language education in the Vale of Glamorgan

Rachel Williams started her career as a teacher in an English-medium school. She received a phone call, asking her to start work the following day as a teacher at a Welsh-medium nursery.
Upon starting the role, she learned that an education officer called Mr Angel would be visiting the school in order to test the children's Welsh. Some of the children came from English-speaking homes, and so they could not speak Welsh. Rachel taught these children a little Welsh, so that they could pass the test and would not have to leave the school.
Years later, she was awarded an MBE to thank her for her work in supporting the Welsh language in Barry and the Vale of Glamorgan.

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Without the work of Rachel Williams, the Welsh language would not have grown so much in Barry and the Vale of Glamorgan.
By now, there are seven Welsh primary schools in the Vale of Glamorgan, as well as one Welsh secondary school, and this would not have been possible without Rachel Williams, because only the children of Welsh-speaking families would have been allowed to attend Welsh schools.
In addition, for many children at Ysgol Gymraeg Sant Baruc, our identities would be different because we would not have been able to learn Welsh.
A statue of Rachel Williams should be erected in Barry to celebrate, commemorate and share her history and the tremendous impact that she had on the Welsh language. Did you know that there are only four statues of women in the whole of Wales? A statue of Rachel Williams would inspire children and young people to stand up for what is right and for the Welsh language.

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