Petition Implement safety measures at the A477 Red Roses junction to reduce accidents and stop any fatalities

The A477 from St Clears west into Pembrokeshire is a busy route used by local residents, holiday traffic, ferry traffic and deliveries throughout West Wales
The Red Roses junction is a 90 degree turn at the bottom of a hill with no slip road. You can take it at no more than 20mph, with trunk road traffic behind you travelling downhill at often 70mph, and no way to move off the main A477. It is frightening.
We ask the Welsh Government to make this a safe junction before lives are lost.

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Ever since the junction was opened in 2014 local residents have been campaigning to have this junction improved. The signpost has been hit many times. Vehicles have gone through crash barriers and ended up in the nearby ditch. There have been multiple collisions reported to the police and many many more near misses we know about. Welsh Government’s own December 2021 monitoring stated 57% of vehicles were exceeding the speed limit.
Past and present local politicians supported our cause, but the Welsh Government responds with such as ‘accidents rates are below 60% of the typical rate for comparable roads’ [quote from Minister’s letter July 2019].
We consider that the junction needs good lighting – it has no lighting at all currently - and proper speed reduction measures at the junction approach. Really it also needs a slip road so that vehicles can reduce speed safely off the main carriageway.
Please support our petition to improve the safety of this stretch of road.

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416 signatures

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