Rejected petition Remove the Senedd member not standing in the 2026 elections with immediate effect.

13 Senedd members have decided not to stand in the 2026 Senedd elections. I surmise this is because they know they will inevitably lose any vote to an opposition Party, they have resigned themselves to this, but instead of doing the honourable thing and leaving immediately they are still going to be able to influence decisions that are not favourable for the Welsh public under the Senedd leadership which is an insult to the electorate that they are abandoning.

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Two of these politicians have already resigned their positions due to failings and controversy, but are still operating as politicians and receiving substantial salaries and expense benefits.

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about appointments or resignations.

We can't accept petitions about appointments or resignations through the Senedd’s petitions process. This includes calling for Ministers to be sacked, resign or for a vote of no confidence.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted