Rejected petition Reverse Cuts to Unfit For Work Benefits & PIP Claims for Disabled People

With the recent betrayal of the Labour Government's support of supporting disabled people by freezing Personal Independent Payments in 2026 as well as heavily cutting Unfit For Work Universal Credit benefits for disabled people receiving them through, this will not help 'encourage disabled people back into work', it will have an opposite effect of worsening their quality of life due to employers not hiring disabled people due to their disabilities.

This inhuman action should not go through.

More details

For further context, Liz Kendall, the work and pensions secretary for the Labour Government, has made baseless accusations of people claiming Personal Independence Payment as well as Unfit For Work Universal Credit benefits by painting everyone as 'taking the mickey' and by wanting disabled people to 'get back into work'. In actuality, a lot of disabled people receiving these benefits both need PIP to get around public life more due to their conditions making it harder for able bodied & neurotypical people can do. And with Unfit For Work, people receive this due to long term conditions that prevent them even being considered by employers, even when they try to get into work. Take it from someone who is neurodivergent, diabetic and has other complications and doesn't get a second look duue to my conditions. Removing these benefits will not only make our quality of life worse, but it will heighten the death rate of disabled people due to not being able to afford daily living anymore.

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the Senedd or Welsh Government is not responsible for.

The Government of Wales Act 2006 establishes the extent of the Senedd’s power to make new laws and amend existing law (also known as legislative competence). Schedules 7A and 7B of the 2006 Act set out the issues which are ‘restricted’ or ‘reserved’ - i.e. areas where the UK Parliament, not the Senedd, can legislate.

Social security schemes are reserved under Paragraph 130 of Schedule 7A. As a result, it is not possible for the Senedd to take the action called for by your petition.

Further information about the powers and responsibilities of the Senedd can be found here:

You may wish to consider petitioning the UK Parliament about this issue instead:

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards

Rejected petitions are published in the language in which they were submitted