Completed petition Democratically Binding Plebiscites at Local Government Level
We, the undersigned, call upon the Welsh Government to legislate to allow for Welsh citizens to call plebiscites on issues at the level of Local Government, and for such votes to have the effect of, either [1] calling-in decisions made by Councils for reconsideration, or [2] allowing votes above a two-thirds majority to be democratically binding.
Additional Information: Plebeian Laboratories is aware of an endless number of decisions made at Local Government Level, which negatively affect the lives of citizens, but over which they have very little direct control. In recent years, Direct Democracy has gained in popularity in many countries throughout the world, not least as a means to increase civic participation and Democratic Rights. Although we do not anticipate Assembly Members voting to enact direct democracy at Welsh national level any more than turkeys would vote for Christmas, a degree of limited direct democracy at Local Government level would bring Welsh democracy to life.
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The creation of the National Assembly for Wales has permitted Welsh citizens a limited democratic voice over decisions affecting their lives, however Plebeian Laboratories is aware of an endless number of decisions made at Local Government Level, which negatively affect the lives of citizens, but over which they have very little direct control.In recent years, Direct Democracy has gained in popularity in many countries throughout the world, not least as a means to increase civic participation and Democratic Rights. Although we do not anticipate Assembly Members voting to enact direct democracy at Welsh national level any more than turkeys would vote for Christmas, a degree of limited direct democracy at Local Government level would bring Welsh democracy to life.
This petition was considered by the Petitions Committee
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