Other lists of petitions

Petitions referred to the Petitions Committee

These petitions are currently being considered by the Petitions Committee

143 petitions

  1. We want the Welsh Government to rescind and remove the disastrous 20mph law

    469,571 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 13 March 2024

  2. Financial penalties for Local Education Authorities who do no comply with timeframes for ALN.

    327 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 12 March 2024

  3. We want and need a Mental Health unit for men in North Wales with beds

    261 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 5 March 2024

  4. Reconsider cuts to Postgraduate funding and increase Doctoral Loans to match UKRI Stipend

    2,032 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 29 February 2024

  5. Increase clarity and rights for people on direct payments or WILG to live independently

    377 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 21 February 2024

  6. Make safe the access to the Secret Garden A4042 Goytre Fawr for both pedestrians and vehicles

    265 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 14 February 2024

  7. Ensure that publicly procured foods in Wales are never exclusively vegan or vegetarian

    344 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 4 February 2024

  8. Fair and Adequate Resourcing of General Practice in Wales

    21,620 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 2 February 2024

  9. Health Education & Improvement Wales to make PMDD a mandatory CPD module in postgrad medical teaching

    717 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 1 February 2024

  10. Amend legislation in Wales to align with England for Excessive Council Tax Increases

    331 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 31 January 2024

  11. To act to increase the effectiveness of Natural Resources Wales in halting pollution on the Teifi.

    1,321 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 31 January 2024

  12. Introduce a vape licence for dedicated vape shops.

    541 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 25 January 2024

  13. Introduce an at-home smear test option in Wales

    1,543 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 25 January 2024

  14. Halt significant new development on the Gwent Levels SSSIs

    4,567 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 25 January 2024

  15. Intervene in the development of the Penrhos Coastal Park into a holiday resort in Anglesey.

    11,992 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 15 January 2024

  16. Empowering Parental Choice: Opt-Out Rights and Inclusive Involvement in the RSE Program

    1,756 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 10 January 2024

  17. Reform of the additional learning needs Code of Wales 2021.

    15,160 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 9 January 2024

  18. Introduce regulation of the dog grooming sector, to protect the welfare of dogs and rights of owners

    284 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 7 January 2024

  19. Stop all subsidies on food in the Senedd and for Welsh Government staff in general.

    337 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 4 January 2024

  20. Introduce a 30mph limit on the trunk road through the villages of Eglwys Fach and Ffwrnais

    419 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 3 January 2024

  21. Remove the requirement for farmers to have at least 10% tree cover to access the new Sustainable Farming Scheme.

    1,047 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 31 December 2023

  22. Introduce a way for constituents to vote out their MS before the end of their term

    2,012 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 31 December 2023

  23. Hold an unbiased survey of the residents who live in the 20mph speed limit pilot scheme areas

    779 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 31 December 2023

  24. Provide humanitarian aid to Gaza

    1,795 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 31 December 2023

  25. Introduce legislation where it is mandatory to have an defibrillator in workplaces and sport clubs

    380 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 27 December 2023

  26. Ban Balloon Releases

    814 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 8 December 2023

  27. Reject all plans for Road User Payments, Congestion Zones and Workplace Parking Levies in Wales

    340 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 7 December 2023

  28. Make Blue badge Applications Lifelong for individuals who have a lifelong diagnosis

    1,618 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 5 December 2023

  29. Ban the sale of single-use vapes

    455 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 5 December 2023

  30. We want farm subsidies to be extended to small scale and market gardeners.

    413 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 26 November 2023

  31. Decline planning permission for the development planned proposed as Parc Solar Caenewydd.

    8,274 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 23 November 2023

  32. Save overnight minor injuries provision at Nevill Hall Hospital in Abergavenny

    5,182 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 8 November 2023

  33. Initiate an early senedd election.

    15,439 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 7 November 2023

  34. Bring Wales in line with England by allowing landowners 60 days tent and campervan camping a year.

    430 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 31 October 2023

  35. Stop Welsh Government Wasting £4million on “Skyline” private development Kilvey Hill, Swansea.

    2,109 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 27 October 2023

  36. Use only Welsh names for places in Wales.

    1,397 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 21 October 2023

  37. Save our fflecsi bwcabus service

    1,783 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 21 October 2023

  38. The Welsh Govt should take steps to save the Environmental Information Regulations in relation to Wales

    272 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 21 October 2023

  39. Fund the removal of quarry rocks and the restoration of sand and groynes to Llandudno North Shore.

    10,752 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 14 October 2023

  40. Reinstate funding for Taf Valley Coaches 351 (Tenby to Pendine) and 352 (Tenby to Kilgetty) services

    1,697 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 13 October 2023

  41. Re-open railway lines to connect the north and south of Wales

    12,936 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 12 October 2023

  42. Offer Welsh working parents the same financial support for childcare as England

    10,820 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 3 October 2023

  43. Match the new childcare offer in England of 15 hours for 2 year old's from April 2024

    407 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 2 October 2023

  44. Save our Fire and Rescue Service

    1,937 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 1 October 2023

  45. Draw up a new Microplastics Action Plan for Wales 

    3,259 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 20 September 2023

  46. Review the inadequate funding for Schools in Wales

    7,007 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 20 September 2023

  47. Moderate quality agricultural land (grade 3b) should be used for food security not solar farms.

    271 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 28 August 2023

  48. Devolve responsibilities and budgets for trunk roads in North Wales to North Wales.

    330 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 22 August 2023

  49. The Welsh Government should support greyhound racing in Wales

    10,601 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 22 August 2023

  50. Make conservation management plans compulsory for scheduled monuments at risk such as Ruperra Castle

    7,469 signatures

    Referred to the Petitions Committee on 18 July 2023

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