Other lists of petitions

Open petitions

These petitions are collecting signatures

73 petitions

  1. Scrap the ‘Universal Actions’ and payment reductions in the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme.

    15,958 signatures

  2. Welsh Government to protect funding in education from WG and Local Authority cuts.

    10,982 signatures

  3. The people of Wales require a public inquiry into the £200,000 donation made to Vaughan Gething.

    7,179 signatures

  4. Continue to fund school police officers who educate children and support schools

    5,714 signatures

  5. Call for an early Senedd election.

    3,942 signatures

  6. Legislate to ensure swift bricks are installed in all new buildings in Wales.

    3,412 signatures

  7. Ban smartphones in all schools in Wales (with exemptions for exceptional circumstances)

    2,502 signatures

  8. Explore options for transferring ownership of historical assets from Crown Estate to Welsh Government

    1,607 signatures

  9. Stop the detention of learning disabled and autistic children, young people and adults in hospitals.

    1,528 signatures

  10. 1000 meter mandatory buffer zone for all new and existing quarries

    1,438 signatures

  11. Make Pet Abduction a Specific Criminal Offence in Wales

    792 signatures

  12. Allow Welsh families who have experienced Baby loss before 24 weeks to obtain baby loss certificate.

    723 signatures

  13. A new Senedd Act to Recall Local Government Councillors.

    603 signatures

  14. Scrap all Welsh Government policies from Agenda 21/Agenda 2030/Sustainable Development including Net Zero

    575 signatures

  15. Any Government policy or project that costs more than £10 Million must be voted in by the electorate

    554 signatures

  16. Make menopause a mandatory part of the curriculum for all healthcare sciences and medical students.

    528 signatures

  17. Scrap the Racist and ridiculous Anti-Racist Wales Plan

    416 signatures

  18. Wind farm developments are akin to the drowning of Welsh valleys and old slate industry. Stop them.

    386 signatures

  19. Give neighbours their say when holiday let owners start applying for licences

    355 signatures

  20. Comprehensively review NRW and its failure to deliver its statutory obligations to protect Wales

    340 signatures

  21. Outlaw Ambulances from being used as extra beds for Hospitals.

    334 signatures

  22. Set stricter rules to limit gifts, donations and payments received by Members of Senedd.

    329 signatures

  23. Instruct NHS Wales to add Adenomyosis to its 111 A-Z webpages

    322 signatures

  24. Urgently improve the safety of the A458, Middletown, Powys in light of continuous dangerous driving.

    308 signatures

  25. Ensure diagnosis and treatment for people suffering from adverse Covid-19 vaccine side effects

    300 signatures

  26. We demand a fair deal for residents affected by the Arbed/CESP scheme

    249 signatures

  27. Support Welsh Farmers and ensure that farmers can continue their work of feeding the nation.

    228 signatures

  28. Protect our wildlife...ban plastic grass in Wales!

    188 signatures

  29. Make April 7th the day of remembrance of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda within Wales

    165 signatures

  30. Reduce Members of the Senedd’s expenses bill

    161 signatures

  31. Create an ARFID care and treatment pathway and implement it in all Welsh health boards

    153 signatures

  32. To make heart screening a mandatory requirement for membership of sports clubs and gyms in Wales.

    137 signatures

  33. Establish a ‘Care Society’ to Tackle the Long COVID Crisis in Wales

    130 signatures

  34. Introduce a statutory requirement for local authorities to transport children to Welsh Medium schools

    128 signatures

  35. Make shorter school holidays for children with additional needs

    124 signatures

  36. Extend Pupil Referral Units to include sixth form provision

    124 signatures

  37. Provide a pedestrian crossing on A4042 Llanover; make safe for bus users and reduce the speed limit.

    120 signatures

  38. Introduce routine testing for Strep B in all pregnant women across Wales.

    116 signatures

  39. Introduce a network of Toy Libraries around Wales

    106 signatures

  40. Make all Councils provide cat rescue centres

    98 signatures

  41. Keep Ynyslas beach car park open.

    93 signatures

  42. An automatic general election if the party in government changes their leader and therefore First Minister mid-term.

    83 signatures

  43. Create a structure within the Senedd to ban politicians convicted of intended deception.

    81 signatures

  44. Empower Doctors to prescribe (ADHD) medication for children on lengthy waiting lists

    77 signatures

  45. Prohibit politicians from accepting donations.

    57 signatures

  46. To urge Welsh Government to reconsider the use of BMI in the Healthy Child Wales Programme

    56 signatures

  47. Dexa scans for all women over 60 years old and women at high risk of Osteoporosis.

    52 signatures

  48. Allow petitions requesting that politicians resign.

    41 signatures

  49. Stop the Minister from preventing free refills and buy one get one free offers.

    39 signatures

  50. Reduction of Cancer Treatment waiting time - 62 days to 30 days at a maximum in Wales.

    31 signatures

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