Other lists of petitions

Completed petitions

The Petitions Committee has finished considering these petitions

303 petitions

  1. Review the process for pre-assessed status for onshore turbines, which unfairly disadvantages individuals

    515 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 11 July 2022

  2. Create a recall mechanism for poorly performing Members of the Senedd

    175 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 25 April 2022

  3. Age appropriate testing for Covid in Children

    376 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 25 April 2022

  4. For school transport guaranteed for all comprehensive children

    181 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 4 November 2024

  5. Control pollution from agriculture in the parts of the Wye and Severn River located in Wales

    118 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 27 June 2022

  6. Invest to ensure all schools have high quality, effective internet infrastructure and connectivity

    65 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 27 June 2022

  7. Ban the use of non biodegradable dog poo bags

    61 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 21 March 2022

  8. Reduced Council Tax for private estate properties

    578 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 27 June 2022

  9. Hold a referendum on Wales becoming a Nation of sanctuary

    1,170 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 21 March 2022

  10. Calling on the Welsh Government not to vaccinate children 12 years and younger against COVID-19

    478 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 23 May 2022

  11. Amend the name of new electoral ward for Saltney, Flintshire to "Saltney and Saltney Ferry."

    269 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 25 April 2022

  12. End the need for covid passes for all events and activities

    353 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 21 March 2022

  13. Secure the Right to Remote Access for Disabled and Neurodivergent People

    158 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 11 July 2022

  14. Open a full hospital facility, including an A&E department in mid Wales

    1,811 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 9 May 2022

  15. Provide a clinical pathway, medical care, and specialists for people with Tourette’s syndrome in Wales

    10,393 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 17 October 2022

  16. Change Standing Orders and admissibility criteria for petitions.

    116 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 13 June 2022

  17. Ensure fathers/birth partners are involved in all assessments & care throughout the perinatal period

    322 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 21 March 2022

  18. We call on the Welsh Government to lead the way by supporting trials of a four-day week in Wales.

    1,619 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 22 April 2024

  19. Diverse and equal representation in the Senedd

    199 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 February 2022

  20. Drop the limit on outdoor gatherings and allow community events to continue

    2,488 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 February 2022

  21. In remembrance of Aberfan, rename the George Thomas Hospital.

    314 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 February 2022

  22. Demand that all depictions of our dragon have a penis

    1,104 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 February 2022

  23. Welsh government to meet with a wider audience of unpaid carers.

    133 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 13 June 2022

  24. Cancel GCSE Exams in Wales

    396 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 February 2022

  25. Reinstate cervical screening to every 3 years

    30,133 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 23 May 2022

  26. Ban Polystyrene and other single use plastics!

    130 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 24 January 2022

  27. Look at using Teacher Assessed Grades for learners unable to sit November GCSE exams as a result of a positive COVID test. Ensure fairer arrangements are in place for the May exams.

    126 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 24 January 2022

  28. Women should be regularly screened with a blood test called CA125 to detect for ovarian cancer

    389 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 24 January 2022

  29. Ensure appropriate provision of services and support for people with Acquired Brain Injury in Wales

    443 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 21 November 2022

  30. The new Heads of the Valley road should not be restricted to 50 mph.

    271 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 February 2022

  31. Repeal Coronavirus Regulations and end all Covid-19 restrictions

    89 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 24 January 2022

  32. Every Second Counts: Install a defibrillator at every school in Wales for the public to access.

    64 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 March 2022

  33. Introduce greener ‘bee-friendly' bus stops across Wales

    197 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 February 2022

  34. Give secondary teachers a bonus for marking and standardizing summer 2021 official assessments.

    1,252 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 10 October 2022

  35. Increase funding for Gender Identity Clinics in Wales

    52 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 10 January 2022

  36. Remove barriers to entry to Social Work and encourage parity of esteem between Social Care and Health

    475 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 25 April 2022

  37. To get a specialist mental health mother and baby unit in North Wales.

    7,706 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 25 April 2022

  38. Protect the people of Wales - Take urgent action on the housing crisis now

    6,469 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 10 January 2022

  39. Prepare a bid for Wales to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest

    1,257 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 29 November 2021

  40. Ban disposable barbecues from our National Parks, National Nature Reserves and Welsh beaches!

    223 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 9 May 2022

  41. Reject plans for the Wentlooge Farmers’ Solar Scheme, a solar farm on the outskirts of Marshfield.

    122 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 29 November 2021

  42. Install a commemorative statue of African-American singer Paul Robeson in the Valleys

    404 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 29 November 2021

  43. Notify all 18 year olds who have been under social care the right to request their personal information

    260 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 10 October 2022

  44. Open Long Covid one stop medical hubs / clinics

    1,214 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 22 April 2024

  45. Make Natural Resources Wales undertake and publish annual wildlife surveys before felling woodland

    1,211 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 10 January 2022

  46. Design a 'Care Leavers Plus' Universal Basic Income pilot that includes a range of people.

    1,051 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 21 March 2022

  47. Ban leisure use of Seadoo/jet ski in Cymru. Except in strictly controlled designated areas.

    1,432 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 15 May 2023

  48. Mark Allen's Law - we want throwline stations around all open water sites in Wales

    11,027 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 27 February 2023

  49. Make horse tethering, with or without shelter, illegal and an act of cruelty in Wales

    4,637 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 7 March 2022

  50. Remove the average speed cameras and 50mph speed limit on the M4 between Newport and Cardiff

    145 signatures

    Closed by the Petitions Committee on 15 November 2021

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